HPNA Social Media Guide

HPNA Social Media Guide
Although nurses have been identified as the most trusted profession year after year, there is a distinct absence of nursing input in national reporting and across social media platforms. However, social media can give nurses a voice on important nursing, healthcare, and patient care issues by publicly showcasing their clinical expertise and commitment to their practice. By engaging in discussions online and sharing thoughts and opinions, nurses can increase the public's recognition of their unique perspective on their practice and patients.

Available for free as a PDF download, the HPNA Social Media Guide serves as a resource about social media for hospice and palliative nurses. It gives you an in-depth look at our active social media accounts, our enterprise's influence across different platforms, and ways to extend our key messaging to your friends and followers. The goal of this guide is to promote nursing expertise, leadership development, and professional collaboration among nurses. Click the link below to download the HPNA Social Media Guide. You will find a live link to the guide on your receipt.